Growth, Innovation and Connection: My Acuvate Journey
Damaresh N
System Analytics
“Connection is why we are here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” This beautiful quote by Brené Brown perfectly captures my experience at Acuvate.
A story that Resonates
I got to interact with the founding team of Acuvate and learned the story of how Acuvate came to be. Upon hearing their start-up story, I felt a strong connection with them and the company. This connection, coupled with recognizing my skills and being valued by the company, is crucial. This is what truly matters. You only get the paycheck once a month but need to feel valued every day of the year.
Acuvate: Rich Culture of Growth and Innovation
When I joined the company in December 2016, I got the opportunity to work on SharePoint, a new technology. Then a year later, I was given a chance to work with the bot team working on the latest bot’s technology, and I built a bot code from scratch. So for me, Acuvate isn’t just a company- it’s a goldmine of possibilities, where I have been given many opportunities to grow and evolve my skills in diverse fields.
Stability in Flexibility: The Acuvate Way
When I began my journey with Acuvate, I started as a Software Engineer then senior software engineer and currently system analyst, and now I am working on AI enabled cloud solutions. I probably would not have been given such scope to grow and evolve in an MNC.
This is one of the main reasons I chose to continue my journey at Acuvate- as it is a unique place where “without changing your job, you can change your job several times.” So, on the one hand, you have the stability and continuity of a long-term job, while on the other, you have the flexibility and dynamic growth through exposure to different domains and technologies.
Continuous innovation and growth
My rapid growth and evolution have been possible only due to the culture of growth and innovation inbuilt in Acuvate. Here employees are given ample opportunities to learn, explore new avenues and experiment in varied domains. This growth mindset of Acuvate empowers us as employees to fearlessly step onto new frontiers and explore new technologies, promoting a rich culture of learning.
Leadership Story
For me, a company’s growth primarily depends on the people managing it, and at Acuvate, we have a great management team. At Acuvate, by continually striving to expand our horizons, today, we have built a solid global client base to whom we provide new and innovative services.
Also, Acuvate’s leadership culture of accessibility fosters a sense of closeness and connectivity among management and employees, creating greater engagement. For example, in large MNCs, having access to the CEO or management team is not easy; at the most, one can talk to their manager. But Acuvate is different. Here one can easily engage with the management team at any level.
My Acuvate Story is an ongoing one of growth, innovation and connection. The future before me is a bright and inclusive one, where both the company and I grow together in new directions, exploring fresh opportunities and reaching greater heights. At Acuvate, I am not just a cog in the wheel. Instead, I feel I am contributing something valuable to the company’s story of growth and success.
I am looking forward to a long journey.
About Damaresh N
Damaresh N
Damaresh is System Analyst at Acuvate. He has extensive expertise in digital transformation using AI. He has worked with multiple customers worldwide to provide innovative solutions with state of the art technologies. Current he is leading a team to build AI Enabled Solution using Cognitive Services by microsoft to process documents for Insurance company.