November 16, 2023 5 Reasons to Consider Migrating Your Data Estate to Microsoft FabricIt’s 2024. AI is a reality reshaping business as we know it. Specifically, recent advancements in Generative Pre-trained...
September 19, 2022 A Quick Guide to Data Estate Modernization with Azure Synapse AnalyticsThe modern business world is fast progressing on the path of reaching 175 ZB of data by 2025....
March 7, 2022 Why Legacy Data Warehouses Cost You More And How Cloud Can Help?Modern-day organizations know the importance of data. They analyze a plethora of data at different velocities and make...
July 7, 2021 The Time is Now: Make Your IT Future-ready with ModernizationRecently, IBM surveyed 380 CIOs and CTOs from mid-sized and large enterprises in the UK and US. The...